
Friday, November 21, 2008

Zombie Blog

A while ago I had a really great idea for a blog. It would have been a blog written in the first person about an outbreak of... zombies! This idea actually had me really pumped for a while, and I started writing up some ideas and plotting the story. The scenario was cool and would also have featured pictures and videos. It would have been updated on a timeline that would coincide to the events that were happening to my character. The buildup would take a little while, a month or so. Then the payoff would be the craziness of the first few days and weeks. I was also thinking of creating other characters that would interact through the comments system.
After a while of planning I lost some steam. I allowed myself to be overcome with the work of preparing the entire scenario, and lost interest. I let myself drop the fun out of the entire project and let it slip through my fingers.
I said a thousand excuses as to why I let it go "I don't have the time", "it'll never get any readers", "It'll come out amateurish", "Nobody'll get what you're going for." So I let the project die when I shouldn't have.
I need to revive it! But I don't know if I have the motivation.

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