
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Art of the Underachiever

When I was a younger kid I really loved reading comic books.  There was a friend of the family that worked at Mr. Paperback and used to bring me around 30 "acquired" comic books.  No UPC so it was kinda sketchy, but I was a kid and didn't question free comic books.  It's something that a lot of kids get into because they are targeted to that immature mindset.  Well guess what, cabrone, I still have an immature mindset.  So last year I stumbled upon torrents of what was essentially every comic released in that week.  And these were put out weekly.  So for a while I was checking those out to see what comics were like nowadays.  There was a lot that was the same, but also a lot that had changed.

While I'll never be the guy that gets insanely obsessed with comic books, I feel that there is a certain amount of guilty pleasure to be taken in their reading.  I won't endlessly debate the insignificant details of every single page.  I won't argue over who would win a battle.  I won't argue over what the author or director was trying to achieve.  I'm simply going to enjoy them for what they are.

In the past year I've discovered a lot of really cool comic book series' that I weeded out of the generic crap.  Some are finished, and I've read the entire run.  Some are ongoing and I check out the latest issue whenever possible.  The kid in me is delighted that such an old hobby has come back to the surface to be indulged in ocassionally.  It's just a tiny bit of life nostalgia, and it makes me feel... comfortable perhaps?

Here is a list of series that I have picked up and started following in the past year.

  • Transmetropolitan

  • Knights of the Old Republic

  • Girls

  • American Virgin

  • NYX

  • Hedge Knight

  • Marvel Zombies

  • Thor

  • Bomb Queen

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