
Monday, January 26, 2009

Loque du Mond

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of The Sims 3.

There is really no good reason for me to be so excited about this game, but the hype is swallowing me up.  There are some interesting changes, some superficial changes, and some pointless changes.  A graphics improvement is a major plus, since I've been playing the same basic game since what?  2002?  2001?  I don't even know.

This happens to me every so often.  Getting really hyped up for a game so that everyday is just a countdown to it.  But I'm getting ahead of myself here.  It was supposed to come out in mid-February.  Now the damn thing is being pushed back.  My god how I've come to hate that.  They bait you on one release date for so long, and then switch it once they've got you hooked.  I was already to buy it as a V-Day present for The Ashes, but that might not be the case anymore.


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