
Friday, February 20, 2009

Minifig Top 10

LEGOs are awesome. Period. I grew up with them, and recently I've rediscovered their awesomeness. I seriously love the sets that are being put out now. They are elaborate and they have amazingly detailed minifigs.

Minifigs. Probably the element that makes these sets so cool. The little interchangable figures that come along with most LEGO sets. I love them now. I loved them when I was a kid. Call me sad, but I don't care. I used to play with LEGOs and create.  Here's a list of my personal favorite minifigs. (Pictures from Bricklink, hope they don't mind)


LEGO Wizard

cas019While there have been more detailed wizards since the release of this one, it gets the spot simply for nostalgia factor.  Plus when it came out this wizard was the coolest thing around.

Green Forestman

cas125It's the LEGO Robin Hood.  With a lot of forestmen to choose from, I choose this all green one as my favorite.  The forestmen in general were very cool.  They were anti-authority.  They had a subtly coolness.

Ice Planet Chief

sp019I'm not even totally sure why it was that I liked this figure so much.  The bright orange visor and skis that came with him were unique.  The whole color scheme just worked.  And his white eyebrows and mustache just worked for the figure.

Cavalry Colonel

ww001This guy is awesome.  Give him a sabre and a horse and he'll kick anybodys ass.  He has a gentlemanly look, but an air of authority.  Just a brilliant minifig.


cas048It's a freaking ninja!  Enough said

Prof. Henry Jones

iaj002One of the best looking liscensed minifigs.  This is Sean Connery as Prof. Henry Jones.  Highly detailed face.  Plus extra points for being one of the best characters in movie history.


aqu007The enemy of the equally cool Aquaraiders.  The color scheme is working for this bad guy.  The neon hook just screams both villain and badass.  Plus the underwater breathing apparatus rocks.


cas403This is one of the best minifigs of all time.  While the focus for so long for LEGO Castle had been knights and their opponents, this figure steps outside that into the back story.  Getting away from the battlefield we now see a calm side to the knights.  The knights at home if you will.  Oh, and check out that awesome jester's cap.

Islander Chief

pi068This was the first figure I owned that had something printed on the legs.  Add a cool painted face, and a crazy tribal mask (with feathers!) to the mix and this is a classic minifig.

Insectoid Alien

sp028There were spacemen and there were their opponents.  When it came to their opponents, the insectoids were the best.  The green, black and grey look just reeks of awesomeness (to steal a line from E & C).  The helmet/shoulder combo is wicked.  The whole figure works.

Well there it is.  I really liked doing this post, so I'll probably do some more minifig posts in the future.


ashes10 said...

And where's the part about me getting your the Jester, hm?!?!

I want to take pictures of your LEGO minifigures. After I'd messed them all up. YES!

jkirlin said...

You'll always be kid to me. Curry. :)

Globally Ignored