
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Setting Goals, Finding Life

Exactly one week ago I set up a to do list for the week. In this list I put several items which I wanted to accomplish within that one week period, obviously. This was my attempt to force myself into action. I was hoping that it would end my laziness, my lethargic approach to life, and reenergize the vibrant parts of my soul. I wanted this list to make me dynamic! I wanted it to start me on a path of responsibility for my own life. It takes one step to get moving
A week has passed and I'm not entirely happy with the results.
Here's a list of the goals I set for myself:
- Write three blog posts
- Finish reading Perdido Street Station
- Come up with 25 new ideas
- Write at least 10 pages

It really shouldn't have taken much effort to accomplish any of these points. In the end I was able to write the three blog posts (sadly that includes this one!) and come up with maybe 10 ideas. That isn't to say I didn't come up with more, as I'm always thinking something up. I only managed to put about 10 to paper. I wanted to have my entire notebook filled by the end of the week, really. I was sadly unable to properly motivate myself. I'm worried that this may continue to become a habit. I didn't finish reading the book either, half because I left it at Ashes' and half because I'd rather be surfing the internet. Sure I found some great sites, but that's no reason to skip reading. I need to finish books if I am to write them at any point.
I will continue to set weekly to-do lists for myself until I can start achieving my aspirations. The easy thing to do would be to lighten the load so that I can easily complete it each week. I am fully convinced that is the coward's way out. I may be an asshole, but I'm not a coward. Each week will see the same load. Eventually, as I start meeting my goals, I'll increase the weekly amount of work I require of myself.
These tasks are simple, but necessary. Accomplishing what I'm setting out to do is the only way for me to escape my rut.


1 comment:

ashes10 said...

You should include "applying/looking for a better job" on this list, my lovie.
I have a to do list. An extensive one.
But sadly, it looks like this.
School, school, school, school, pick up mom from the airport, get presents or I leave her there, work, hang out with you, school, school, give blood, hang out with you, school, work, school, school, work. Laze around for two days, repeat.

Globally Ignored