Here's some interesting links that I've come across in the past... however long since my last one. I can't be arsed to remember these things. My secretary is pretty effing awful at keeping all this sort of stuff available. I pay him to do all the bitch work like remember stuff and organize my vital information, but all he does is sit around being a cat all day. Oh yeah, my secretary is Silas. My cat.
Dark Roasted Blend - A sight that is just full of awesome fluffy goodness.
How to Hack Your Brain - A novel idea, but something that I couldn't undertake due to my current state of employment. Anyone brave enough to try this? I WOULD!
EarthBound Central - Just a load of information and one of a kind overseas stuff for one of the most under appreciated games of all time.
Jaunted - A 'hip' travel blog that I learned about watching a show on the Travel Channel. Y'know, the one with the ridiculously pretentious host belittling everybody except for his drunken ass.
Retro Junk - Just browse it and fight the waves of nostalgia.
- Knock off toys! Knock off LEGOs! Brilliant!
I had more but my assistant/secretary destroyed all copies of the links, which I have of course completely forgotten.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Five Minifigs I Wish I Owned
I have twice chronicled my selections for best minifigs. Those were ones that I either owned or were aware of and simply dreamed about at night. I've owned a limited amount of minifigs over the course of my new and old obsession, yet there are still some that I just wish I owned. There's something about the LEGO minifigs, a subtle charm. A cool x-factor. Some have it more than others, like the five I'm about to list. (Credit on the photos to various sites... that I don't totally remember due to being on so very many drugs in the 60s).
FIVE - Darth Maul

FOUR - Indian Chieftain

THREE - Maharaja Lallu

TWO - Imperial Armada Conquistador

ONE - Vampire
FIVE - Darth Maul

FOUR - Indian Chieftain

THREE - Maharaja Lallu

TWO - Imperial Armada Conquistador

ONE - Vampire

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Riding Out the Hurricane
We came sooooo close to getting slammed by a hurricane here in Maine. Ultimately we were denied. Horribly, utterly, terribly, wickedly denied. Mother Nature is a bitch. If Hurricane Bill were a razor and Maine were a scruffy beard then it would have taken off the tip of a single hair. We brushed disaster by the shoulders and kept walking.
That's not what I wanted though! I wanted to get WRECKED by this whirlybird of a whorestorm. I wanted to wake up the next morning and it burned when I peed. That's how bad I wanted this storm to abuse us. It didn't even rain! The hurricane leisurely strolled past us and didn't drop any of it's blessed, magical rain upon my motherFUCKING HEAD! I sat there for two days twiddling my thumbs and staring out the window like a dimwit saying to myself "Dur, iz gun rains. Ah'ma gunna keep awn waitin' fer it". Straight up quote. That was said. That happened. You weren't there you DON'T KNOW MAN!
The only repercussion was the ocean sweeping away some idiots that were standing on the rocks gawking at the 15 foot waves collapsing over their heads. Of course these so called 'thrillseekers' sit there with there vacant looks as close as is damn well possible to the edge of the water and take pictures. "Hey maw, look at me! Ah'm Aquaman!" And just like Aquaman they're off into the ocean to talk to the fish. Or drown. Whichever way it goes. Bring your kids! It's almost a guarantee that you'll win parent of the year. Or watch your child become a bloated corpse. I'm not the smart one I can't figure that one out, maybe you can genius.
The damn heat didn't even let up. I was praying to Odin, Thor, Shiva, and Moses that the hurricane would at least banish this heat to the nether regions (Canada) but I may as well have been asking for diamond encrusted toenail polish because those DBs didn't deliver! So I get to enjoy many more days of leaving my perspiration in little pools all over the cement floor at work. Luckily it's covered in cat litter we used to dry up all the oil... I WANTED A FUCKING HURRICANE TO END MISERY! Also to bring it to others. Just so long as it wasn't mine it's all good.
When Hurricane Bill finally settles down in a cozy cottage in the hills of Scotland with a nice plump wife and a red headed monster of a child I'll track you down and pummel you with a sack full of quarters.
That's not what I wanted though! I wanted to get WRECKED by this whirlybird of a whorestorm. I wanted to wake up the next morning and it burned when I peed. That's how bad I wanted this storm to abuse us. It didn't even rain! The hurricane leisurely strolled past us and didn't drop any of it's blessed, magical rain upon my motherFUCKING HEAD! I sat there for two days twiddling my thumbs and staring out the window like a dimwit saying to myself "Dur, iz gun rains. Ah'ma gunna keep awn waitin' fer it". Straight up quote. That was said. That happened. You weren't there you DON'T KNOW MAN!
The only repercussion was the ocean sweeping away some idiots that were standing on the rocks gawking at the 15 foot waves collapsing over their heads. Of course these so called 'thrillseekers' sit there with there vacant looks as close as is damn well possible to the edge of the water and take pictures. "Hey maw, look at me! Ah'm Aquaman!" And just like Aquaman they're off into the ocean to talk to the fish. Or drown. Whichever way it goes. Bring your kids! It's almost a guarantee that you'll win parent of the year. Or watch your child become a bloated corpse. I'm not the smart one I can't figure that one out, maybe you can genius.
The damn heat didn't even let up. I was praying to Odin, Thor, Shiva, and Moses that the hurricane would at least banish this heat to the nether regions (Canada) but I may as well have been asking for diamond encrusted toenail polish because those DBs didn't deliver! So I get to enjoy many more days of leaving my perspiration in little pools all over the cement floor at work. Luckily it's covered in cat litter we used to dry up all the oil... I WANTED A FUCKING HURRICANE TO END MISERY! Also to bring it to others. Just so long as it wasn't mine it's all good.
When Hurricane Bill finally settles down in a cozy cottage in the hills of Scotland with a nice plump wife and a red headed monster of a child I'll track you down and pummel you with a sack full of quarters.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
На пакгаузе

Workers of the world Unite!
The world is built on the backs of the working man!
The laborer is the ideal man.
...or not.
So my job has changed rather dramatically in the last month.
I've gone from selling televisions and various gadgetry to dimwitted, slackjawed, backwoods, hill folk to pure Gulag level manual labor.
Working eight hours a day in a dingy (at best) warehouse is proving to be awful. It hasn't helped that the temperature has been in the upper 90s for the past couple of weeks. I've been sweating buckets constantly every day. In order to combat dehydration I've been guzzling at least six bottles of water a day. It's been bothersome to say the least. Sweat dripping from my hair and stinging my eyes. So much fun...
I'll never stop complaining that I'd rather be doing my actual job, but I don't particularly like being a salesman either. Even so it's MILES better than what I'm doing now. Heavy lifting, arbitrary reorganizing, and unloading and reloading of truck after truck.
My boss at the place is actually pretty decent, but he's very particular and demanding. And organized. I've never met anybody so into organization in my entire life! Yet he's a nice guy and he treats us well. So no complaints. Plus he's foreign, somewhere in the Eastern bloc, so I get to listen to that all day (which means further perfecting it myself).
I'm stuck doing this crap for two more months. Nothing I can do. I'm just a tiny cog in the greater wheel of capitalism.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Links of the Month: August (MidAugust)
LiveScore - This website has a perpetually updating list of all the soccer scores for the day. Lets you know whats going on everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, in the world of soccer. From Guatemala to Australia to Japan to England.
Simon and Martina - A couple of Canucks in South Korea posting interesting videos.
Artificial Owl - Not updated very often, but still a great site. Abandoned structures blog. Really hauntingly beautiful stuff.
Ralan's - A place to find stuff to submit writing. Now if I only wrote more than 2 pages a month I might be able to find this useful.
There were more but I forgot them so Space Prince of Cosmos!!!!!

Simon and Martina - A couple of Canucks in South Korea posting interesting videos.
Artificial Owl - Not updated very often, but still a great site. Abandoned structures blog. Really hauntingly beautiful stuff.
Ralan's - A place to find stuff to submit writing. Now if I only wrote more than 2 pages a month I might be able to find this useful.
There were more but I forgot them so Space Prince of Cosmos!!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Time for a top ten list! So here it is. I watched some episodes of Futurama recently and decided that since the show's original run was finite, unlike the Simpsons, I could create a top ten list of my favorite episodes. Now, yes, I understand that there was a so-called fifth season comprised of 16 episodes spread through four dvd movies. I'm not counting those mostly because I haven't seen them all and they were never aired individually on television. So without further Apu (I have been zinged!)

10. When Aliens Attack - Featuring everbody's favorite resident of Omicron Persei 8, Lurr. A spoof on television in general with the cast reenacting a television show, based largely on Ally McBeal. Very funny, very watchable episode.
9. Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV - Another episode about television. Plays on both groups that protest tv and the medium itself. Also has Calculon and his delightfully egotistical dialogue "Amateurs like YOU need two takes, I need one".
8. That's Lobstertainment - In a weird twist this episode is about the movies and not television. A Zoidberg heavy episode, in fact the best Zoidberg episode of all.
7. Space Pilot 3000 - The introductory episode is great just because it introduces us to the whole Futurama world. We get a crash course in everything from heads in jars to the suicide booths. There's a lot of information crammed into these 30 minutes and it still manages to be funny.
6. Anthology of Interest I - A modern cartoon staple makes its appearance in Futurama, the "three stories" episode. The premise here is that a "what if" machine is able to postulate certain what if scenarios. Featuring Vice President Al friggin Gore as a guest star.
5. Godfellas - A Bender centric episode that sees the robot with the shiny metal ass floating through space. A small asteroid hits him and it turns out to be populated by tiny people. Bender's reign as god ends in nuclear war and a conversation with what is believed to be god. This is all funnier than I'm writing it. Plus Leela and Fry go into the Himalayas to try and find Bender in the universe.
4. Mars University - One of the earlier episodes in the series. It is a spoof on 80s college party movies, in particular Animal House. Fry attends Mars University in hopes of again becoming a college dropout. On top of this Prof. Farnsworth brings a monkey with a hat that gives him intelligence who immediately starts feuding with fry. Infinitely watchable episode.
3. Time Keeps on Slippin' - Extremely fun episode to watch. Due to actions taken by the Planet Express crew there are gaps in which time jumps around. Featuring the Harlem Globetrotters as the problem solving super genius' and basketball team. There's just a certain something about the episode that is fun. I just love the whole "time" premise, whether it be travel or otherwise (even though I won't include the time travel Futurama episode on this list).
2. Jurassic Bark - This is a great episode that manages to be both emotional and funny. Despite not being a dog lover you were able to really sense the companionship between Fry and his dog in this episode. The final sequence showing the dog waiting years for Fry's return is one of the saddest moments in television. If you didn't have a tear in your eye you're a Nazi and Brad Pitt will kill you.
1. Luck of the Fryish - Delves deeper into Fry's situation. It was the first episode to show that everything in Fry's life kept on going while he was frozen for 1000 years. In particular it focuses on Fry and his brother Yancy growing up. While Fry only remembers the rivalry, by the end he realizes that his brother missed him so much he named his first born son after him. It's a great episode because the whole episode we're lead to believe that Yancy stole Fry's identity, but we learn that he really gave his son the name in his honor. A touching, emotional episode.
With new episodes dropping next year we'll see how this list shapes up in a few more years. Hopefully the new season will be able to live up to the example set by the first four seasons. By the end of it's run Futurama was really hitting a stride. I hope it will continue even though it's been a long six years since a new episode made for television.

10. When Aliens Attack - Featuring everbody's favorite resident of Omicron Persei 8, Lurr. A spoof on television in general with the cast reenacting a television show, based largely on Ally McBeal. Very funny, very watchable episode.
9. Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV - Another episode about television. Plays on both groups that protest tv and the medium itself. Also has Calculon and his delightfully egotistical dialogue "Amateurs like YOU need two takes, I need one".
8. That's Lobstertainment - In a weird twist this episode is about the movies and not television. A Zoidberg heavy episode, in fact the best Zoidberg episode of all.
7. Space Pilot 3000 - The introductory episode is great just because it introduces us to the whole Futurama world. We get a crash course in everything from heads in jars to the suicide booths. There's a lot of information crammed into these 30 minutes and it still manages to be funny.
6. Anthology of Interest I - A modern cartoon staple makes its appearance in Futurama, the "three stories" episode. The premise here is that a "what if" machine is able to postulate certain what if scenarios. Featuring Vice President Al friggin Gore as a guest star.
5. Godfellas - A Bender centric episode that sees the robot with the shiny metal ass floating through space. A small asteroid hits him and it turns out to be populated by tiny people. Bender's reign as god ends in nuclear war and a conversation with what is believed to be god. This is all funnier than I'm writing it. Plus Leela and Fry go into the Himalayas to try and find Bender in the universe.
4. Mars University - One of the earlier episodes in the series. It is a spoof on 80s college party movies, in particular Animal House. Fry attends Mars University in hopes of again becoming a college dropout. On top of this Prof. Farnsworth brings a monkey with a hat that gives him intelligence who immediately starts feuding with fry. Infinitely watchable episode.
3. Time Keeps on Slippin' - Extremely fun episode to watch. Due to actions taken by the Planet Express crew there are gaps in which time jumps around. Featuring the Harlem Globetrotters as the problem solving super genius' and basketball team. There's just a certain something about the episode that is fun. I just love the whole "time" premise, whether it be travel or otherwise (even though I won't include the time travel Futurama episode on this list).
2. Jurassic Bark - This is a great episode that manages to be both emotional and funny. Despite not being a dog lover you were able to really sense the companionship between Fry and his dog in this episode. The final sequence showing the dog waiting years for Fry's return is one of the saddest moments in television. If you didn't have a tear in your eye you're a Nazi and Brad Pitt will kill you.
1. Luck of the Fryish - Delves deeper into Fry's situation. It was the first episode to show that everything in Fry's life kept on going while he was frozen for 1000 years. In particular it focuses on Fry and his brother Yancy growing up. While Fry only remembers the rivalry, by the end he realizes that his brother missed him so much he named his first born son after him. It's a great episode because the whole episode we're lead to believe that Yancy stole Fry's identity, but we learn that he really gave his son the name in his honor. A touching, emotional episode.
With new episodes dropping next year we'll see how this list shapes up in a few more years. Hopefully the new season will be able to live up to the example set by the first four seasons. By the end of it's run Futurama was really hitting a stride. I hope it will continue even though it's been a long six years since a new episode made for television.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
20¶ vs 23476¶
Achievement time!

From now on I'm rating all of my accomplishments as achievements and weighing them against my Gamerscore. Gamerscore vs Lifescore. Sadly right now I've got a higher gamerscore, mostly because I'm starting... or maybe it's just because I'm really sad. Anyone that know me got any suggestions for achievements (recent) that I can include?
It's based on a completely arbitrary scale that I'll decide personally upon completion of each achievement.
It's a project that I've been thinking about for a while. I'm sure somebody else came up with the idea before me. It's not one of my better ones nor is it one of my more original ones. A few years ago several friends and myself were involved in an achievement race on the 360. We were constantly trying to one-up each other. We became so obsessed with the whole idea that we started throwing "fifty points" or "three hundred points" at each other for well executed movie quotes or over the top insults. I got the idea then that a blog like this would be fun. I shelved it for a couple of years because... well because I shelved everything. I wasn't productive.
This year, however, promises to be different. I'm NOT shelving my ideas. I'm running with them. I can't let that happen.
I had a few other ways to implement this particular idea. Like a cross between 1001 days, by assigning each of the 101 things a point value adding up to 1000. Or a sort of scavenger hunt that would reboot monthly with 1000 points up for grabs. I don't know how to get ideas like that off the ground. I still might go with it, somehow.
So get prepared, my fine feathered reader or readers as the case may warrant. This is going to be a year of power. Dynamic Power! Super Mega Dynamic Ultra Power Volt!
So it's 20 points (represented by the paragraph symbol) for turning 26. Twenty!

From now on I'm rating all of my accomplishments as achievements and weighing them against my Gamerscore. Gamerscore vs Lifescore. Sadly right now I've got a higher gamerscore, mostly because I'm starting... or maybe it's just because I'm really sad. Anyone that know me got any suggestions for achievements (recent) that I can include?
It's based on a completely arbitrary scale that I'll decide personally upon completion of each achievement.
It's a project that I've been thinking about for a while. I'm sure somebody else came up with the idea before me. It's not one of my better ones nor is it one of my more original ones. A few years ago several friends and myself were involved in an achievement race on the 360. We were constantly trying to one-up each other. We became so obsessed with the whole idea that we started throwing "fifty points" or "three hundred points" at each other for well executed movie quotes or over the top insults. I got the idea then that a blog like this would be fun. I shelved it for a couple of years because... well because I shelved everything. I wasn't productive.
This year, however, promises to be different. I'm NOT shelving my ideas. I'm running with them. I can't let that happen.
I had a few other ways to implement this particular idea. Like a cross between 1001 days, by assigning each of the 101 things a point value adding up to 1000. Or a sort of scavenger hunt that would reboot monthly with 1000 points up for grabs. I don't know how to get ideas like that off the ground. I still might go with it, somehow.
So get prepared, my fine feathered reader or readers as the case may warrant. This is going to be a year of power. Dynamic Power! Super Mega Dynamic Ultra Power Volt!
So it's 20 points (represented by the paragraph symbol) for turning 26. Twenty!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Where to Go From Here
Today is my Twenty-Sixth birthday. Hold your applause please, hold your applause. It's not that big a deal since all I did was not die. Seriously, that's ALL I did. From where I was last year I've accomplished practically nothing.
It's hard to be satisfied with my place in life right now. I'm stuck in a rut of a job and I don't have the know-how to get out of it. Send my resume around? What good is that going to accomplish me if it's as unimpressive as... well as it is. Every paper I contact says they're not looking for any additional contributors at the moment. Believe it or not I've shot e-mails at quite a few local papers. Maybe I need to start thinking outside local? Maybe I need to start looking at the magazines in the area and just throwing myself at them? Or maybe I need to rethink my career path? I don't know. But I have to know by this time next year or I get the feeling I'm just fucked. Approaching thirty and with little to show makes me a sad panda.
As unsatisfied as I am with that area of my life, and with myself in regards to dealing with it, I am completely happy romantically! When you have as solid a relationship as I do with The Ashes it's the single thing that keeps you going. Or at least it makes me want to keep driving for success. If I manage to get someone as amazingly awesomely wonderful as her, shouldn't I be able to do the same in other aspects of my life? I don't care, because I've got her. She makes me into the best DannyBear in the world.
There are some things beyond that I'm satisfied. Like the fact that I've begun my travelling life. If you just say to yourself "fuck it, let's just DO this thing" you end up accomplishing a lot. Take for instance London. I decided that we're just going to stop talking about it and DO it. So we found cheap tickets and a hotel and booked it. It's the push that matters. Getting past the feeling that "it's not worth the hassle" is instrumental in accomplishing anything in life.
Perhaps I should start listening to my own advice, eh?
Well 25 was a mixed bag. Let's see what 26 will bring.
Other than a tiramisu gelato. Which was creamy goodness! It was melty and delicious! Better than a cake by a million miles!
So how about the material aspect of birthdays? Here's what I've got so far (and probably in total).
It's hard to be satisfied with my place in life right now. I'm stuck in a rut of a job and I don't have the know-how to get out of it. Send my resume around? What good is that going to accomplish me if it's as unimpressive as... well as it is. Every paper I contact says they're not looking for any additional contributors at the moment. Believe it or not I've shot e-mails at quite a few local papers. Maybe I need to start thinking outside local? Maybe I need to start looking at the magazines in the area and just throwing myself at them? Or maybe I need to rethink my career path? I don't know. But I have to know by this time next year or I get the feeling I'm just fucked. Approaching thirty and with little to show makes me a sad panda.
As unsatisfied as I am with that area of my life, and with myself in regards to dealing with it, I am completely happy romantically! When you have as solid a relationship as I do with The Ashes it's the single thing that keeps you going. Or at least it makes me want to keep driving for success. If I manage to get someone as amazingly awesomely wonderful as her, shouldn't I be able to do the same in other aspects of my life? I don't care, because I've got her. She makes me into the best DannyBear in the world.
There are some things beyond that I'm satisfied. Like the fact that I've begun my travelling life. If you just say to yourself "fuck it, let's just DO this thing" you end up accomplishing a lot. Take for instance London. I decided that we're just going to stop talking about it and DO it. So we found cheap tickets and a hotel and booked it. It's the push that matters. Getting past the feeling that "it's not worth the hassle" is instrumental in accomplishing anything in life.
Perhaps I should start listening to my own advice, eh?
Well 25 was a mixed bag. Let's see what 26 will bring.
Other than a tiramisu gelato. Which was creamy goodness! It was melty and delicious! Better than a cake by a million miles!
So how about the material aspect of birthdays? Here's what I've got so far (and probably in total).
- Tiramisu gelato
- Prototype (360)
- Fleur-de-lis red zip up hoody
- Legends of Wrestlemania (360)
- Back to the Future collection (not quite yet)
- $100 (at least that's what I told them to get)
Equations or Housework
These are the instructions Ashes left me for the dishwasher. Extensive and with a detailed diagram. Too bad I will just ignore the whole thing.
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