
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hell of a Halloween

It was fun.

From waking up and jamming on some FM2010 and watching some Office to riding in the car listening to the Monster Mash.

We dressed up as Bob Harris and Charlotte from Lost in Translation. Ashes pulled it off perfecto! I was a lump of coal next to her diamond of a "costchume" as she says.

We went to the "Fright at the Fort" in Ft. Knox (Bucksport, ME... not the one with all the gold reserves). It wasn't that bad. It was the right atmosphere and they put a LOT of effort into the event. I was laughing my ass off in amusement, but it was incredibly entertaining. Ashes got jumped a few times.

After that we went to the Union on campus to check out the goings-on. We had our picture taken, ate meatballs, and had our caricatures drawn. It was crowded and hoooot in there. A couple of really decent costumes there. The chicks all seemed to lean towards the slutty side. I think I counted about 8 slutty nurses, 6 slutty maids, and 6 slutty schoolgirls. The slutty leprechaun was by far the sluttiest of the sluts, and the slutty geisha in blue was the classiest of the sluts. The slutty Simba was the oddest choice of a character to slut up. Though I did see a very non-slutty Virgin Mary, which sorta balanced the whole thing. The guys had some more clever choices in costumes. A tetris piece, two Mario's, and a tall dude as Hagrid. The best costume EVER, though, was the guy dressed steampunk. He was decked out in goggles, vials with glowing liquid, copper steam valves on his back and a top hat! E-P-I-C.

Then we closed it down watching Hocus Pocus and bailing on Monsters vs Aliens.

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