- "When all is said and done, it's what's inside that truly matters. Still, a catchy name never hurt."
- —Namingway

He was a rabbit-being... I never effing knew that the re-naming master of Final Fantasy II/IV was a rabbit. I always thought that he was a fat guy wearing a turban, but now that the game has been updated and redone in several forms I've learned differently.
Well this distracts me from my main point. Actually I've never gotten to my point. Earlier The Ashes stumbled on a "Yahoo Answers" post in which people listed their favorite names for each letter. I got to thinking "These people are all retarded. I can do better than this!" so that's what I've decided to do. It's NAME time ho-bags.
Oh, and how annoying is clicking on a link on the front page of Yahoo only to have it lead you to a Yahoo Answers post. Or a video. I want to READ my news. Which is why I don't go to Yahoo anymore for anything besides my mail.
The List: (Boys first naturally, then girls)
A - Adolf, Aetheria
B - Bastard, Bitchtits
C - Cailin, Cäcilia
D - Donato, Dulanto
E - Exartixes, Eufemia
F - Fausto, Fatima
G - Gozer, Gjerahina
H - Heinrich, Heflave
I - Isildor, Iphigeneia
J - Jaromir, Jasi
K - Krunkstink, Kunoichi
L - Locke, Leofwynn
M - Mario, Michiko
N - Naoki, Norah
O - Orlandu, One-eye
P - Paolo, Ponyo
Q - Queresma, Quinnifer
R - Ranulf, Renardina
S - Satoshi/Silas, Saeburg
T - Tidus, Tiesto
U - Uliuli, Uncle
V - Vincenzo, Valencia
W - Wolfsbane, Wulffgar
X - Xylophone, X-Ray
Y- Yannick, Yubaba
Z - Zinedine, Zenobia
*refills birth control pills*
We are never having kids.
Oh wait! I LOVE the name Norah
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