
Thursday, January 21, 2010


I was going to write up a big post about what happened to me a week ago. I was. Now I don't want to write that post. There's really nothing to say.

I was fired from my job. Laid off, as they put it, due to a lack of hours. Some forty people lost their jobs.

Now I'm unemployed. I'm not good at being unemployed. I filed for unemployment... I became a burden on society. I don't think I've ever felt worse. I had bright eyes and hope back in 2007 when I was jobless for several months.

Now I just don't know.

It's only been a week and I'm not really doing well. I've applied to quite a few jobs and hope to pick one of those up to pass the time. I'm holding out for Korea!

That's what I'm holding out for in general. That's what my life needs to take off!

I've been approached by a friend at the BDN and given a contact that might help me get some freelance jobs. I'm also looking at some other writing stuff. Gotta get on that.

What do I spend my time doing? Mostly Youtube, 360, job search, television. Wasting time really. I don't know, I'm pretty unfocused at the moment.

I wish I had readers because I want people to talk to damnit.

Well cheers friends! Here's to Korea and the future.

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