5. Colorado

An attractive combination of the familiar three horizontal colors and a stylized letter C. Reminds me of the Honduran flag, just with a wannabe Cubs logo plopped on top. Either way I like it.
4. Arizona

A very simple design that really catches the eye. Evokes the Japanese Imperial flag somewhat, which may be why I like this particular flag.
3. Texas

The classic Lone Star flag is a simplified version of the US national flag, but has its own storied history. This flag screams Texas, and everything associated with Texas whenever I see it being flown.
2. New Mexico

A very nice flag for the southeastern state. It manages to pay tribute to the natives without playing on stereotypes. The Hulk Hogan color scheme is really bright and eye catching.
1. Maryland

The coat of arms of Lord Baltimore were turned into the Maryland state flag. This design is so amazingly different from others that it stands out from the lackluster crowd. It's so visually appealing that if I lived in Maryland I'd fly it on my front lawn. Just an awesome flag.
A majority of US flags are so unbelievably boring, a state seal or something else plastered on a boring blue background. Not even an appealing blue, probably the most yawn inducing blue to be found on the color spectrum. Many of these flags were designed in the early 1900s and reflect it in their outdated visuals. States should be doing everything possible to redesign these flags.
If a state is dependent upon tourism, wouldn't it make sense to plaster pictures of the flag all over useless crap? Now imagine seeing the Maine flag, a blue monstrosity featuring the ugly state seal, on stuff while visiting the coastal tourist zone. It's sort of an "Eh, I'll pass," situation. Now you're visiting Texas. You want to buy as much junk as possible with the Lone Star flag. That's how it works, you buy stuff that looks good. If these states redesigned their flags, revenues in tourist areas would go up simply due to the more appealing souvenirs. Something to think about Oregon, that ugly beaver on a black background isn't bringing in the chump's change.
You want some beautiful state/prefecture flag designs? Check out a few of these Japanese provincial flags. They're brilliant, simple and aesthetically pleasing.

Hell, there are even some cities that have engaging styles while the state flag is atrocious.
Take for example Wichita, Kansas.

It's really cool. A cross between the radiation symbol and the Japanese Imperial flag, as well as the symbol of the Zia Pueblo natives in the center. All of these elements create a nice flag. Now look at the Kansas' flag.

OH MY GOD NO! Who would fly this flag above the Wichita flag? How could you?! The archaic font spelling the name, an ugly flower or yellow blur on the top, and a seal so busy it looks like somebody threw up on a manhole cover. This flag shouldn't even be allowed within 500 feet of the city flag.
Here's an example of probably my favorite municipal flag, the flag of Ottawa.

Adopted in 2000, this flag updates a tired banner and represents the rebirth of a city in a wonderful way. It's modern. It's evocative. The colors are compliment each other screamingly well. The only issue I could possibly have with this is the ratio. It's too long making it look narrow. Not very noticeable though since the swirl in the middle really catches the eye.
That's enough about flags. Laters.
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