Before I get to wordy, the list:
1. Live in/near a major city

2. Meet a world leader, past or present

3. Travel to all the continents

4. Play pachinko

5. Photograph my Life and the interesting stuff I see along the way

6. See the major Puroresu companies live (NOAH, NJPW, AJPW)

7. Get a dog

8. Learn to swim

9. Cook something from scratch and have it taste good
10. Drive a Delorean

11. Dress like Indiana Jones

12. Attend the World Cup

13. Cross country road trip

14. Trek through a jungle

15. Capture and convey what that insanity in my mind, the feelings and images, create, never let go of the spirit of imagination

Okay I let one big picture thing sneak in at the end. The rest of it is just stuff. That last thing is my partly my creed and partly my ultimate goal.
I can achieve most of this stuff for sure, they just aren't priorities. I'll slot them in when the time is right. If I don't accomplish these? No big loss. I can live without doing them but if I manage to do 2/3 of this list I'll be able to proudly hold up my head and say I've lived.
I had to work hard to ensure this just didn't become a list of places I'd like to go, so I lumped travel together in number three. Specific types of travel (road trip, jungle trek) were unique enough to warrant their own spots.
It's a decent list. I challenge y'all to come up with your own. Small stuff, not the big "bucket list" stuff.
1 comment:
I have a list like this.
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