
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

V Word


Ultra capped yelling out of the way, I really must comment on this topic. I purchased a Flip UltraHD digital camcorder a few weeks ago. It was one of two purchases I felt necessary for me to own if I were to go South Korea. Why? To vlog of course.

I first found out about vlogging way back in 2004 while perusing the web for blogs of expats in Japan. I came upon one website, AvoidingLife, that actually focused on video blogs which were actually a new idea at the time. Digital camcorders weren't as widely available as they are nowadays, though I'm sure they were still there filling YouTube with crap. I followed AvoidingLife up until the author left Japan for his home in Canada. His vlogs faded by the end of his stay there until eventually drying up completely.

Fast forward 6 years. I scoffed at the entire Youtube site for as long as I was aware of it's existence. As far as I knew it was full of stupid videos of dumb teenagers singing and dancing, fools injuring themselves in pointless ways, idiotic and unfunny animations and boring people talking about their boring lives (of which I am now one, see more in a bit). Then I found Rodger Swan's excellent vlogs about his life in Japan earlier this year. Slowly from this starting point I found more vloggers of quality. Sadly Rodger passed away a month after I started following his videos, but thanks to him I am now following some great vloggers on Youtube. Tokyo Cooney, BusanKevin, Qi Ranger, simonandmartina and Softypapa are some of the best. These are all expat vloggers living in an Asian country, which I use to live vicariously as I have done with blogs in the past. There is a feeling of community amongst these vloggers which is also really cool and makes it easy to constantly find new videos to watch.

So now I've decided to join the vlogging community. I can't promise that my videos will be interesting (in fact I can almost guarantee they won't be) but I'm going to try my damnedest to make them watchable. Some as Nigel maybe?

The first two are up on my Youtube channel and feature Ashes and I walking and talking BusanKevin style in Portland. Nothing is going on in my life at the moment so don't expect too many videos at the moment. Once we move, be it Korea or somewhere else in the country, we'll have a ton more to post about. Anyway go check out our attempts at vlogging.

ProfessorDMJ's Vlog

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