
Friday, August 6, 2010

Big Moving Blowout

I've been promising this post for days and I suppose it's about time for me to get around to actually writing it. It's been nearly three weeks since my last post, the first two weeks being mandated by my loss of internet and the last week... well.

The last two weeks living in the apartment drove me near insanity. I was trapped at the apartment all day since Ashes had sold her car and required mine in order to work, the internet and cable was out which meant I lost 2/3 of my entertainment. That right there would be enough to drive an electronics junkie like me to craziness or alcoholism. I avoided both, somehow, and managed to fill my time by reading and playing games. I watched a few movies
thanks to our subscription to Netflix which we have renewed at just the right time. I had Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility for the wii that kept me occupied for a straight week in July. It was a hot, miserable time but I got through it. Then we moved.

The first of the month was our official moving day. We had to empty our apartment and move on with our lives. More on that later. The moving itself wasn't stressful as we managed to move a lot of the bulk over the previous week. On the first it took us five car trips and two trips with Ashes' parents SUV in order to get everything out of the apartment. Fortunately we threw away some of the more nasty objects, such as the couch and the kitchen table. It was a long, long, hot, tiring day. At the end of it we just collapsed and went to sleep, not even bothering to sort out the mess or hook up any electronic entertainment. We had moved. Leaving the empty shell of the place I had called home for a year was weird but necessary. Money, y'know.

So here I am now, sitting in the front room of my parents house with an apartment load of shit encroaching from all sides. I've been left just staring at the walls several times, wondering what the hell is going to happen in the near future. I've always had a future goal to shoot towards. Now I don't. I don't have a near future, short term goal except find work. That's a complicated process on it's own right. So I sit here, still without a job, my mind gradually fading into madness and wonder what to do. The answer doesn't come and it's depressing. Very depressing. I'll soldier on because I know that after hardship comes success. I'll make that success happen. I think I've found some determination in the last few days. Or maybe I've found my downfall. I'm living in the same room as when I was pre-10. I'm a burden on my parents again at age 27 (next week) and I'm taking up more of their ever limited space. I want to move on soon, I really do, but it's hard to uproot your entire life with no prospects.

By September 1st we'll be resolved on a course of action. If Ashes doesn't get any of her teaching jobs in Southern Maine we'll head for western Massachusetts, because that's our easiest or best option right now. I'm not sure which. At least that's the plan for now. I think. Can't be certain right now.

I'm going to cut this short since I could keep going on forever about this, which would get increasingly depressing and probably bum all of my readers out. Whatever we do, wherever we end up it is going to take effort and time to get to our goals. So for now I'll sit in my parents house and work on getting my life back in order. Plus I've got Ashes, provided she doesn't get so fed up with me from being in such close proximity to me all the time that she runs away. I don't think that'll happen.

Shaun of the Dead t0-do list
1. Go round mum's (check)
2. Get Liz back (ummm, not check. not applicable)
3. Sort out life (work in process)

Tomorrow I'll leave all this behind and write something more interesting up. Like my thoughts on the G1 Climax which has just started in New Japan Pro wrestling. GO NAKAMURA. Or Tanahashi or Shiozaki or Naito... or Nagata or Nakanishi or Yujiro. They have a really likable roster, don't they?? Tomorrow, that's a topic for tomorrow.

Link of the post time now. It's Tokyo Times, yet another photoblog from Japan. Why do I like these types of sites and showcase them so much? They are a small window into another part of the world I love so much. It's escapism, really. A window into another life in another land. Stuff of dreams. This photographer often posts only a single picture in a post, but they're good ones.

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