
Monday, February 16, 2009

Links of the Week: One

As I prepare to go out and buy some sort of energy drink to keep my sharp into the wee hours of the morning, I've decided to post a list of sites that I've either discovered, rediscovered, or simply enjoyed over the past week.

SkyScraperCity - One of my favorite forums of all time.  Only recently started going there again after a few months.  Pictures of cityscapes aplenty.

OhGizmo! - A website about quirky gadgets!

Not Always Right - If you worked in retail you'd understand.  Customers are idiots.  They are.  Check this out and learn how you're better than other people.

Prague - Simple title.  Simple concept.  It's a website by some guy in Prague.  Each post has a single picture, but they are really good.

The Retroist - Nostalgia at its finest.  Relive your childhood in the 80s bitches.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - I literally stumbled on this earlier this week.  I loved it right from the get go.  NPH, Nathan Fillian, and the chick from The Guild.  And to top it off it is directed by Joss Whedon.

1 comment:

ashes10 said...

The chick from the Guild AKA chick who should be my best friend even though she looks a lot like my ex-best friend.

Globally Ignored