
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Links of the Week: Two

It's probably been over a week since I updated my links of the week. I'm not really busy, but I say that I am. It's a decent excuse seeing the ridiculous hours my crapjob has me working. Yet I always have time or can find the time.

So enough whining! It accomplishes so very little. Here's my list of links for the last week.

Netflix - I've had this for a few months now, but I've spent many of my free minutes at this website. Be it searching for new movies to add to my queue or watching TV and movies, I have spent a significant amount of time here.

BrickLink - I spent some time here researching minifigs for my minifig post, but then just kept browsing the database. Provides an exhaustive list of LEGO sets and parts. It also functions as a store to pick up any of these sets, at inflated prices of course.

places for writers - Just a resource site, something to browse and build up my ambition.

Drew's Script-O-Rama - The best source for free screenplays on all of the many internets. I fancy myself able to be a scriptwriter, so this fuels that fire in me. I don't know what I can and can't do yet, but I think I can do what is done here.

Wikia - Cool resource for a bunch of different games. No one page in particular, but tons of pages for tons of games. Some cover the lore of their games very well. Like Shadowrun. God I love Shadowrun, even though I've never played an actual P & P version of it before.

Hulu - Hulu is awesome. As Alec Baldwin says, they're taking over the world! Mostly watched SNL clips and Conan O'Brien clips, including his entire final Late Night episode. Old Timey Baseball almost had me in tears.

Creative Uncut - A site that has game art. Lots of game art, from art books. Usually I'm unable to find any serious amount of character art, so I loved finding this site.

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