
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Family Can't Live in Good Intentions, Marge

Alright. So here's the jiggy. I'm not doing so well on this whole "bu-logg" thing lately. While my first blog was a raving achievement in mediocrity, this one is proving to be rather below even my standards of said mediocrity. Certainly I had hoped to achieve much more through blogging than I've done. I've had some good ideas that I didn't expand upon and other avenues that I just didn't care to carry out.

For a while I used Twitter to set myself weekly tasks to accomplish. It became apparent that I wasn't going to fulfill these tasks each week due to my Level 58 Procrastination ability. I made a bold statement that I was going to continue even if I failed weekly. A week later I quit. At the time I was in the habit of once a week habits, hoping that it would kick my ass into shape and lead at least a weekly 900 word article. I posted my "Links of the Week" which led to websites that had captured my interest in the past 7 or 12 days (depending on whether you use the Western calendar or the Delusional calendar). I also quit the links in short order.

I haven't been able to recapture the spirit I had with my original blog. Like half my posts are about how much my blog sucks! Which is a delightfully ironic sort of blog post. Yes. Quite delightful. I might even venture a snicker. There I snickered. I can't portray that here in a satisfactory manner, so you'll just have to take my word that I snickered.

Uhhhh, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Paraguay will NEVER win the World Cup. They'll take home some Copa Americas, sure. It's inevitable. Brazil and Argentina can't ALWAYS be untouchable. They make mistakes, ye wanks!

Errr. Oh yeah! I don't use this blog as an online journal. That's boring. Y'all bitches don't care what I have to say or what's happening in my life. It's not very exciting and involves whining about work and stories about cats. So I promise that I'll still find a format at some point to make this relevant to my most important reader, myself. I reeeeeally think that I'm just going to make a million blog posts with favorites lists. I like making lists and what better place to put them, eh? It's no live action Zombie Blog or in character travel diary of a man in another world, but it's entertaining enough to me. So that makes it entertaining to YOU or else.

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