
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Simpsons Top XX

Simpsons is celebrating it's twentieth year on television this year. Well, technically last year. I guess they're not counting the first episode as a true episode. The series truly started broadcasting regular episodes in 1990, so if that's the timeline they're going with I'll follow suit. Last Sunday there was a special 20th anniversary special and a new episode, which of course was preempted by a pointless NFL game. As always. I really, really hate American football. Thank god we have Hulu! I can now catch the most recent Simpsons episodes at any time online. Imagine twenty years ago and trying to tell someone about Hulu. They'd accuse you of voodoo and send the anti-Witch brigade at you, with their stakes and torches. Hell, The Ashes is barely older than this series! There are probably few television shows to have had as crater-tastic an impact on popular culture as The Simpsons. Hardly a comedy writer or cartoonist can't claim to have been in some way inspired by Matt Groening's creation. I know that if I had the chance I'd model my humorist writings on the Simpsons model.

An unexpected consequence of the 20th anniversary celebration was the release of Season 20 on DVD. That is the most recent season of the Simpsons and it's already out! Episodes from 2008 and 2009. Skipping eight seasons and releasing this was unexpected, but a nice surprise. It also features the first HD episodes and the new opening. Very awesome surprise. It was also available on Blu-Ray, but I'm not quite that hip yet.

I've been watching this series for almost as many years as I can remember. I honestly remember watching some episodes in the early '90s. Mostly I remember watching it with my oldest brother and repeating quotes at each other. The series has retained it's amazing humor. I'm not going to lie, Homer Simpson has had a huge impact on my personality.

So I've decided to list what I believe are the best/my favorite episodes of this long running treasure. I am not going to put them in numerical order because it's simply impossible. A top XX is appropriate if only because of the annivesary. Every episode had a brilliant joke that still holds to this day and after 20-30 viewings. It's just that some entries into the series were of a much higher caliber. A different level. Here they are.

22 Short Films About Springfield
- Comedy gold, short films featuring many of the side characters in Springfield

A Tale of Two Springfields
- The town gets split in half and Homer becomes mayor, PINBALL WIZARD!

Bart the Daredevil
- Homer jumps the gorge is constantly referenced in and out of the series

Flaming Moe's
- First Moe-centric episode sees his business boom, featuring Aerosmith

Homer's Enemy
- Frank Grimes is all that need be said

Homer and Apu
- Apu loses his job and moves in with the Simpsons, plus James Woods

Homie the Clown
- Homer goes to clown college to become Krusty and manages to run afoul of the mob

Homer the Vigilante
- A cat burglar puts the town on alert, and Homer blunders as a vigilante leader

Homer to the Max
- Homer changes his name and finds a new life as Max Power
"There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way"
"Isn't that the wrong way?"
"Yeah, but faster!"

I Am Furious Yellow
- Bart starts up an internet cartoon called Angry Dad

Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show
- The childrens cartoon show adds a new character who happens to be voiced by Homer

King Size Homer
- Homer gains massive amounts of weight to get on disability and work at home

Lisa's Wedding
- The best of the "look into the future" episodes looks at Lisa's engagement to a Briton

Lost Our Lisa
- Lisa attempts to see an Egyptian exhibit but gets lost prompting Homer to save her

Marge vs The Monorail
- Classic episode featuring an ill-fated monorail and Leonard Nimoy

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
- The best of the villainous Bob's guest spots see's him attempt to nuke the city

The City of New York vs Homer Simpson
- Nothing goes right for Homer while attempting to retrieve his car from the World Trade Center

Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
- The best Simpsons travel episode. The family goes to Japan.

Treehouse of Horror VI
- Giant ad icons come to life, a Nightmare on Elm Street parody, and Homer in 3D!

You Only Move Twice
- Quite possibly the best episode ever, the Simpsons move and Homer starts working for a Bond-esque villain.

1 comment:

Gerald P. Ulestra VII said...

I agree with almost every single simpsons episode you wrote, as you know i am a huge simpsons fan also. the only ones i didnt enjoy as much were: the one when lisa looks into the future and shes married, and the treehouse of horror 6. yes, a great episode, but i enjoyed the one with dial z for zombies, king kong homer, and .... i forget the last one, but it was a classic. also for the treehouse choice, possibly the one with the killer krusty doll/.... wait, i think thats actually the one i forgot earlier in this writing. hahaa. anyways,i believe the simpsons to be the greatest show of all time, and i doubt another will come along that could take that title. On a completely different note, replying to your poke at american football. i completely agree with you. over the past two years ive seen myself losing much respect for the sport. much of this comes from my new budding love for REAL football, soccer. The world's sport. i now find american football to be boring and repetitive. its usually 4 seconds of game time. then 4 1/2 minutes planning. then, time out. rinse. repeat. again. and. again. don't completely count me out of the sport though. i do enjoy almost any competitive sport, as i still have a love for american football. I just have a steep slope its agressively falling down. Anyways, i'm glad you showed me that you have a blog. now i have something to read! and comment on! connecting with people is sometimes hard these days, so any other means of communication is much appreciated and needed! haha. wellsir, i shall talk to you later. love, gerald.

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