
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Average Day of the Unemployed Mook

I'm going to be completely honest here about my unemployment. I waste a lot of time. There's simply no other way to look at the situation. With the most free time I've had in years, and tons of built up frustration/ambition/creative energy I'm absolutely WASTING my opportunity at the moment. I resolve to change this in the coming days. I'm get my shit together and start on some projects that hopefully lead me towards something.

For the moment, however, let's take a look in the average day of an unemployed mook of a writer. It's sure to be an exciting peek at the life of a college grad struggling in the current economic environment, right? Some brilliant slice of life in a deeply job-empty area right? Not exactly... more like looking at the shavings of a donkey's testicles on top of white-mud ice cream. Or something like that.

(Whoa man how cool is he?! He made it bold and changed the colour! Maximum web editing skills there!)

7:40 a.m. - Woken up by Ashes getting ready for school. Give her a smooch and send her on her way. Promptly fall back to sleep nine seconds later.

9:20 a.m. - Alarm goes off. Wake up. Kick the cat off the bed and or bury them by whipping the blankets off me. Go to the bathroom. Put some clothes on. Open up the blinds and get some light in the apartment.

9:40 a.m. - Start up computer. Yup, this is a necessity every single mornin

- If coffee was made, get a cup ready and bring it over to the table.
- Start up Ashes' computer (she usually leaves it home).
- Get on Youtube and check for new videos. Spend the morning watching videos (TokyoCooney, AVGN, Ciaela, BusanKevin, EatYourKimchi, etc.)

10:30 a.m. - Load up the 360 to check for any interesting updates (demos, videos, DLC, etc)

10:35 a.m. - Get the mail.

10:40 a.m. - Usually I take a shower around this time. I tend to feel too grubby to keep going if I don't take a shower by this time.

10:55 a.m. - Get re-dressed.

11:00 a.m. - The next few hours are flex time usually. Different days are spent different ways depending on what I feel like doing. Cleaning the apt a little, playing a game on 360 (did this quite a bit up until I beat Mass Effect 2), read, think up new ideas for writing, browse the internets, watching a movie, etc.

Between 11:30 and 12:00 - Food. The stomach is rumbling and it's time for the first meal of the day, lunch. Noodles, waffles and soup are what I consume on most days.

1:00 p.m. - Realize I'm wasting my time (but I'm not, I'm having a blast), I start browsing job websites. Yup, every day. I don't usually find much, but what I find I try to get an application (online of course). At this point I have about 12 tabs open in my browser, between job stuff and writing stuff. Trying to find places to freelance is part of this process.

1:45 p.m. - Get annoyed/anxious by job search, start hitting the Stumble! button. Check out webcomics, blogs and watch more videos. Listen to podcasts in the background as I'm doing this.

3:30 p.m. - Ashes gets home around this time most days. Listen to talk about her day (how the bratty little second graders acted that day).

4:00 p.m. - Ashes is settled in and it's time for errands, if we have any, so we go out and run errands. If not we sit down and it's relaxation time. Television comes on, sometimes for the first time all day.

5:00-11:30 p.m. - Ashes and Danny time. Whatever we decide to do, be it sitting on our asses on our computers (browsing on mine, Facebook/blogs on hers), going someplace, nap, or what-have-you. Have dinner sometime in there.

11:50 p.m. - Ashes goes to bed. Some nights I do too, otherwise I stay up another hour or two (reading articles on or pretending like I'm being productive). Then sleep.

NOW remember that's just a basic outline. Most of that stuff get's worked in around the time I said, but everyday is different. There's a lot of room for flexibility in my schedule since most of the time I'm doing nothing, which kind of sucks. A lot of time on the computer, and not a lot of time being useful. Usually. Not always. Anyway I just thought I'd dump that here so that future generations can see how somebody in this economically destroyed country are living. Maybe I'll become a monk... hmmm...

1 comment:

Ashley said...

We have an exciting life

Globally Ignored