
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lazy Day!

So I didn't realize until far too late that I had neglected to post for the day. I'm disappointed with how hard it is for me to keep up with this daily posting thing. The really important stuff that's going on this month has yet to hit so I'm not in a very excited mood at the moment. Two days from now the World Cup starts and then that's all you'll hear about for a long, long time. Today is going to be a shorter post because I really don't have anything to talk about. I wasn't exactly inspired today, spending most of my time playing RDR and watching television.

I've been pushing these posts right up to the last minute and then past it. I'm at least keeping up with my record of doing a post a day, though. So I'm not fully disappointed in myself. I will say that I'm generally more creative at night so that's when I do a lot of my writing. I don't know if this developed as a habit in college when I used to pull all-nighters in order to finish an article for class or if it's just because I'm a night person. It's my peak of alertness and awareness. I can concentrate much better at night than in the day. While working 6 a.m. shifts, however, I quickly adapted to the life of a morning person. This meant such changes as introducing coffee into my life and going to bed before midnight. I wasn't so creative last summer when this was going on so it's led me to wildly conclude that I'm a night person. Or a procrastinator. Probably the second one.

I've found a couple of "jobs" doing volunteer writing via an online resource and I'm really going to try and push myself to apply. Which means I've got to spend the next couple of days writing up sample articles about video gaming. I refuse to sit on my gnards and let these opportunities pass, especially since I'm not doing jack with most of my time. I've only had a handful of humorously unsuccessful interviews. There's no money involved in these writing jobs but at least it's experience and exposure. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get those samples written up and sent out.

I'm going to recommend Coolvibe as my link of the day. I stumbled (literally) on this website a few weeks ago and it has found it's way into my frequent internet stops. It is a sci-fi and fantasy art blog which features a wide array of styles and topics in what they present. Futuristic cityscapes are mixed in with knights and dragons, but all of the art presented is very high quality. The scenes run the gamut from epic to hyper-epic... just go look at the front page to get a grasp on what this site is all about. Most of this stuff makes for really great backgrounds and can help you shuzch up your desktop. Here are links to some of the better art collections on the site: Pixel art, dark science fiction, and vector art (a personal favorite).

Two days until kickoff in Jo-burg. Hopefully the prawns won't mess up the game. Mexico v South Africa. June 11. 2010. Saturday. Check it.

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