
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Directions

While this blog post may share a name with the show choir group from the amazing Fox show Glee, it is thematically quite different I assure you. In this post I come to a final conclusion. I find the answer that I've been seeking since starting this blog. A blog which in the past I have described as pointless and a waste of time. Finally I've found my focus and reason for this blog! I know why You've Got Green On You!

The blog is... FOR ME! It's not for anybody else. It exists as a way for myself to simply put words on a screen and hit "publish". That's the only reason. Whether it's a list of things I like, or a rambling rant about some form of entertainment or another it's all targeted at a specific audience.


So I'm just going to keep writing posts on an erratic schedule and follow no central theme. If I have decent post, hey good for me. If, and this would be more common, my posts are nonsensical Pilkingtonian drivel then who the fuck cares. I've so far contributed nothing of any value, either literary or philosophically or even fucking personally. So who cares?

Ashes is probably the only other reader here and that's fine by me. Keep on reading love. It's never going to be anything interesting, but I'm going to keep it up. Now that I've concluded that it's a blog with no focus, I'm going to try less but post more. Does that make sense? If it doesn't then to hell with you.

I'm watching Mike Birbiglia do a stand up routine right now and he's talking about blogging. Everyone has a blog, he says, and he's quite right. So this is just a journal of my random shit, on the internet for the world to read. They won't. And quite well they shouldn't.



Gerald P. Ulestra VII said...

That's what my myspace, facebook, webpages, and blogs from before were always about. I knew that noone read them, but it was an outlet, for whatever was on my mind. even for just curing boredom, a merciless killer. if i choose to create a new blog, it will be for the same reason. to just put my mind on a screen. to publish my thoughts. for now reason at all. and theres nothing wrong with that.

Ashley said...

New Directions.

Globally Ignored