
Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year 2010! 初詣!

It's 2010!
A new year! A World Cup year! A year of upheaval with any luck.
So we welcome the year of the tiger with a roar and a slap on the ass for good luck.

What can be said for 2009? Quite a lot. Some positive, some negative. Let's not think about that right now. Let's think about 2010.

I've got to make an effort to better myself this year. Make a tiger out of an elephant. I have a few ideas, like setting monthly goals and updating the blog more often. My priority is setting long term goals, with short term goals to achieve them. This is something that is going to be a positive influence on my state of mind and my state of well being. I'll start off slow, but as I get going I'm going to start pushing myself harder.

Collaborative efforts are hard to get started if everybody isn't motivated the same. If one person is hyper motivated but others are only a little bit into a project then it's doomed to failure. I'm going to try and find people that I can motivate into helping me with some of my ideas for collaborative projects. The Zombie Blog, podcasts, video comedy skits, a local blog of some sort, whatever comes to mind. I'll see what I can think up and who I could motivate to help. I also need to seriously look into doing more writing and publishing my content.

This year the World Cup is going to be won by England. They've got it all to prove. Their manager, Fabio Cappello, is the man with the ability to take hold of the trophy. Spain are favored due to their recent domination on the international scene and their Euro 2008 victory. They've got an amazing team, certainly, with Villa and Torres up front and a solid backfield. England aren't the strongest team, they aren't the most talented team so why do I think England will win the tournament? It lies in their bad luck streak. They've gone from weakness to weakness for years, and stumbled right at the crucial moment. It's on them to make their own luck. To fight for every inch of the field. To hammer home the goals and not succumb to the big match atmosphere. They will win. Cappello will inspire the squad to win. Whatever happens I'm going to be watching the beejesus out of this competition come the summer. 64 games on display, every single one of them televised. It'll be a month of soccer madness!

Most importantly this will be the year that, finally, my dream of living abroad comes true. It won't be an easy road to get started heading down. The goal is South Korea. It doesn't matter where. Anywhere is fine since I'll be living in an entirely foreign culture. The excitement of living in a foreign country that is culturally quite different from America is already feeding my dreams. It's not a guarantee that we'll get accepted and there are a lot of steps in the application process, but I'm confident in our ability. I know Ashes and I can make a good impression on the recruiters. I'm not going to have my dream shattered again like I did three years ago.

This post wasn't a traditional "here are my resolutions" statement. It wasn't "this is what I'm changing". It was more of a series of big picture goals and dreams. It was a short list of what I am going to demand of myself. Improvement. Self discipline. I resolve nothing. I demand it!

Here's to 2010!
The Year of the Tiger!
The Year of Self Dynamism!
2010, hurrah!

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