
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monthly Goals: February

It's time for a new set of monthly goals. This is a highly non-exciting event basically signaling the passing of January 2010. That month... SUCKED. There's no clever way to put that to make it more clear. Last month sucked. I lost my job, sat around being lazy (i.e. being me), and my favorite vlogger passed away. It was just a rotten month. How did I do on my monthly goals, however? Let's review.

January 2010 goals:
- Write an article -
Outcome - Epic fail. I had some ideas, but altogether I didn't do jack shit towards accomplishing this goal. Maybe if I just ran with it next month I can do it. Look forward to seeing this again in a bit.

- Write something else -
Outcome - Partial credit. I wrote some stuff. Nothing very long and nothing in it's entirety. I wrote stuff though. Not good enough.

- Post at least Five blogs -
Outcome - Pass. Just barely. I sort of sneaked a few in at the end of the month. Doing the bare minimum is not good. We want you to express yourself here. Some people feel the need to go beyond, and we encourage that here.

- Stop being a hermit -
Outcome - Pass. Hung out with some friends. Talked to a few people. This will not continue, as I've lost my job and any place to go.

- Finish reading The Witcher -
Outcome - Pass. I finished reading the book. Pretty good book.

- Write an article
- Write at least 8 blog posts
- Get a job
- Organize the notes from my notebook
- Come up with 20 new ideas (or just write out the ideas I think up, rather than losing them)
- Read a book

See you in a month!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

And learn how to cook something

Globally Ignored