
Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Navigation 2010 Ultra

It's June. It's been June for a few days. This month is the true gateway to Summer and while it has been warm for several months it is only now truly the sunshine season. The weather is getting blistering out and I'm getting lazy, which is partially why I have been neglecting my posts. To be fair, however, I've been neglecting doing much of anything. I purchased and have been hammering out the magnificent Red Dead Redemption for nearly two weeks (review to follow). My free attention has been dominated by that one game, but now that I'm getting to a breaking point it's time to re-enter the rest of the world and start focusing on being semi-productive again.

Clumsy introduction, I know, but bear with me because I'm getting to my point. This is June and there's a hell of a lot happening this month in terms of both events and activities. From the World Cup (very excite) to E3 and G4's coverage of said game show to simply getting outside and being active. And Gerald's 418th wedding featuring Arthur, Nigel and Horace in supporting roles. It's going to be one humdinger of a month. With all of this in mind I'm declaring the next month my 100% blogging of fun month... or something. From today, June 4th, to next month, July 4th, I'm going to post every single goddamn day. No exceptions and no excuses.

Day one complete!
Achievement unlocked!
Get off yo lazy ass

Plenty more to come. I promise to keep them somewhat interesting and relevant. Actually I don't promise that at all. It'll range from in depth to reviews to chatting about my day to opinion to ranting and everything in between.

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