
Friday, November 7, 2008

So Much More Invigorated

There was something about this election that put a little zing in my step.  I was excited.  For once I was feeling not so much disillusioned as hopeful for something new.  Not that I have all that much to complain about beyond my own personal shortcomings, really.  It's just that something has seemed stale at the highest levels of government in my eyes.  I've been apathetic for years.  I have never voted in a single election since registering some seven years ago.

Until now.

I voted in the 2008 presidential election.  I voted for Barack Obama.  I am proud to have voted for this man.  Somehow I just feel like I care a little bit more about politics.

1 comment:

jkirlin said...

A believer! Good man!

Globally Ignored