
Monday, January 26, 2009

Loque du Mond

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of The Sims 3.

There is really no good reason for me to be so excited about this game, but the hype is swallowing me up.  There are some interesting changes, some superficial changes, and some pointless changes.  A graphics improvement is a major plus, since I've been playing the same basic game since what?  2002?  2001?  I don't even know.

This happens to me every so often.  Getting really hyped up for a game so that everyday is just a countdown to it.  But I'm getting ahead of myself here.  It was supposed to come out in mid-February.  Now the damn thing is being pushed back.  My god how I've come to hate that.  They bait you on one release date for so long, and then switch it once they've got you hooked.  I was already to buy it as a V-Day present for The Ashes, but that might not be the case anymore.


Defense of Prime Minister Zombei

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fire in a Tiny Sudanese Village

I was planning on writing a decent sized post today.  About... stuff?  Something, I don't even know.  I had a bunch of idea threads that I was ready to roll forward with.  Stuff about TV, ideas for TV, games, general bitching, and probably one or two things of any significant relevance.

But then I found 30 Rock.

I was browsing the instant category on Netflix and under television there was this show.  I had heard of it of course.  It was critically acclaimed and won awards, both of which really mean nothing.  Yet still it had Tina Fey who I always found somewhat interesting on SNL.  And it had Tracy Morgan who was at his best playing eccentric characters.  Let me not forget the amazing Alec Baldwin in a comedy role.  This was enough to get me to watch the pilot.

21 episodes and quite a few hours later here I sit.  I marathoned the entire first season.  I probably would've started on the second season if I felt like pulling an all nighter.  It's been so long since I have.  I had only half-watched half of an episode before today.  Now I've got the whole first season under my belt.  And soon the second one also.  Then I'll start watching the new episodes.  That's who the DVD generation works.

It's an amazing show.  That's all I have to say.  I fucking railroaded this thing!  I want to watch more.  There's only two seasons available on Netflix, and maybe only two available at all.  I don't know much about the series besides my crash course today.  I don't even know what day the new episodes are on.

Monday, January 12, 2009

2008 "Awards" finalmente

The Bests of 2008, as awarded by me!  Personal favorites you commie pinko Stalin lovers.


Movie - The Dark Night        Runners Up - Wall*E, Cloverfield

Video Game - Fallout 3      Runners Up - GTAIV, The World Ends With You

Wrestler - CM Punk               Runners Up - Nigel McGuinness, Takeshi Morishima

I guess that's all I've got for now.  I could make up a million categories and go overboard, but y'know I just don't care.  Well that's it for 2008.  Laters.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Russians Wear Coats in Springtime

I work a wage-slave job at a major retailer. It is most certainly an evil retailer, one of the well known kinds. Not overly evil, it's malicious evil hidden behind a mask of caring. And, oh, the lies the employees believe! The propaganda! The building is, with several exceptions, a hive of complete and utter idiocy and ignorance. There are a many delightfully head-smacking moments in listening to any conversation at my job.

But this all lies outside the realm of my point. I was recently offered (forced) to change jobs within the store. Thankfully this resulted in both a 'better' position and a raise. So at least I've got that going for me.

The other benefit that comes from this change in jobs is a change in hours. I am now a closer at a store that stays open until midnight. That means that I can once again become a night person. My college years were spent staying awake until 3 or 4 in the morning, either for no reason or to jam out a paper for the next day. It was my schedule and it was perfect for me at the time. This persisted until I got my wage-slave job. No longer do I see the sun rise just as I'm going to bed. Those days have left me behind.

Or they had. Until now. Not starting a shift until 3 in the afternoon means that I have a hell of a lotta time to fuck around with at night. This makes me, once again, a night person.

While my job was exciting for the first week (leading up to Christmas, duh) it has slowed down into what I'm guessing will be the standard pace. Dull and lifeless.

Finding ways to stave off the boredom while not attracting attention from the incompetent yet all too nosy managers will be a Hurculean task. There is no intellectual stimulation, there are no tasks recquiring stamina, no stressful paces. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It is certainly cool to a degree to have barely any responsibility. I still have to get on with my life at some point and get away from this hell-hole of a deadend of a job. In the end it still all seems pointless. There is still no way to get any job satisfaction, to feel like I'm accomplishing anything. I'm working to get paid. I'm doing a crappy job for a crappy wage.

So I'm a wage-slave.
At least I get to be a night owl.
Yeah, there's always that.

Glass Canning Solution


This was in London.  Rather, Brentford.  Rather, Kew Gardens.  It was awesome.  I wish to return to Angle-land.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Silascat equals Injury!

My cat Silas broke his leg.

His breath also smells like catfood.

BabyKitty is wanted for questioning on both counts.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

And Onward to Destiny

2008 has been left in the dust of time, and a new year has risen to take it's place.  Where 2008 felt sorta blue and grey, I'm feeling red and yellow for 2009.  Is that a good thing?  I can't say for certain as I don't have a total understanding of my psychic powers.

I spent last night with the Ashes, in our own non-festivities.  She played with virtual dogs, I played with real cats, we made fun of the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus, we had tacos, I played Persona 4, we ate Christmas Candy, and we made the cats kiss which induced fits of giggling (and we weren't even drunk).

To all of my (zero) readers, I say congratulations on arriving in 2009.  Go to your local Shinto shrine and say your wishes for the new year.  If one is not available, simply hold your wishes for the new year in your soul and strive to achieve them.


So good luck to you all in 2009.  This year I'm getting off my ass and getting something done!  I can't stay stagnant forever and I'm not waiting around for my life to change.  I'm making it happen!  Like that guy that single handedly built a space shuttle and went to the moon!  What was his name?  Apollo Creed?

Globally Ignored