
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Before the Top Morning Elite Squadron

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="80" caption="WOO TANGENT"]The dancing wonder known as the prince, still not tired after greeting people to my old blog for four years.[/caption]

The prince is still dancing to his funktastic beats even after greeting people at my old blog for four years!

I just recently (the last hour) have been scanning over my old blog.  I always thought it was boring.  Then a humble photographer convinced me that it was interesting to at least one person.  So I looked it over.  I was brilliant!  I was so quirky.  I think I've fallen in love with my old blog, Nirdu is the House.  I had random posts that were just nonsense.  I covered those years in wrestling quite well, and yes with a great deal of sincerity.  I cared.  I was free and full of hope for a great future.  I was bloody charming!  I don't know what's happened.  It took me a while to hit my stride over there, I hope the same is true here.

I checked the stats, and I have over 17000 hits.  SEVEN-TEEN-THOUSAND!  That number is staggering, but a quick view of other statistics reveals that I was simply a lucky leprachaun.  Many recent hits have come from a Google image search using the words "cm punk".  It brings up a post I did when Punk was leaving ROH.  The funniest part is the comments.  People think that I'm Punk!

Andoras Benzolac Nirdu, the House.  It was a blog about nothing and it was great.

The State of Wrestling

Wrestling was a very important hobby to me for nearly 10 (or 14 depending how you look at it) years.  I followed it religiously.  I started off watching as a mark, a fan that is exactly what the "sport" is marketed towards.  I became a smark, which is the exact opposite type of fan.  I was analytical and critical of all wrestling.  Then I simply became... well I don't suppose there is a word for it in wrestling lingo, I just enjoyed it for the qualities I liked in it.  I loved Puroresu (Japanese wrestling) in almost all of it's wildly varying incarnations.  From the intense NOAH matches to the unimaginably insane HUSTLE carnivals I love every bit of it.  I followed the American indy scene closely, and was with ROH from it's beginnings as "the next ECW".

The industry seems to have passed me by and left me in the dust.  I can name about half of the WWE roster, I can't name a headlining ROH match for the past year, and I can't get into following Puroresu (which takes considerably more effort than US stuff) anymore.  I watch wrestling for the matches damnit!  The mainstream shit, WWE and TNA in particular, still focus on the lame ass storylines and wannabe soap opera bullshit!  It makes me angry every time I think about those companies.  They hoard the best actual wrestlers, and then have them do ridiculous monologues and lame gimmicks.  This stuff really can only be enjoyed by the less than intelligent crowd, because it insults the intelligence of anybody with a high school education.  Its not quality television, nobody remembers the buildup.  They remember the payoff!  The matches!  The focus in the mainstream of professional wrestling is no longer putting on the memorable matches.  I don't know what the focus is, but it's just not for me anymore.  Am I supposed to believe that a guy that has been out for months with an injury can just walk in and beat the champion?  The same day he comes back?  Does a REAL athlete immediately return to the top of their game after an injury?  I can no longer stand to have my intelligence insulted.  Watching WWE or TNA for more than five minutes kills brain cells, and I'm finished.

I'm sure Ring of Honor and New Japan and NOAH and Dragons Gate are all still doing fine. Yet, if I can't care about the "pinnacle" of the sport it takes some steam out of my enjoyment of the "sport" as a whole.

CM Punk was champion for about three months.  That was awesome, I cared again at that point.  But it was brief, because it was so fucking awesome that I was sucked back into wrestling.  Then he lost it without even being in the match!  And once again my intelligence was insulted, the "awesomeness" factor was gone, and so was I.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Zombie Blog

A while ago I had a really great idea for a blog. It would have been a blog written in the first person about an outbreak of... zombies! This idea actually had me really pumped for a while, and I started writing up some ideas and plotting the story. The scenario was cool and would also have featured pictures and videos. It would have been updated on a timeline that would coincide to the events that were happening to my character. The buildup would take a little while, a month or so. Then the payoff would be the craziness of the first few days and weeks. I was also thinking of creating other characters that would interact through the comments system.
After a while of planning I lost some steam. I allowed myself to be overcome with the work of preparing the entire scenario, and lost interest. I let myself drop the fun out of the entire project and let it slip through my fingers.
I said a thousand excuses as to why I let it go "I don't have the time", "it'll never get any readers", "It'll come out amateurish", "Nobody'll get what you're going for." So I let the project die when I shouldn't have.
I need to revive it! But I don't know if I have the motivation.

For Posterity

A while, and how that I look it up a couple of years, ago I made a list of my top 25 Super Nintendo games. If ever there was a system that will for the rest of my life have a huge nostalgia factor it would be the SNES. I know that if I make it to 90 I'll still be playing some of the games on this list occasionally. The system was fun. It was pure. It was simple, but powerful. With far less power than modern systems have there were games that were much more complex than many of the most recent releases.
The SNES will be remembered in a fonder light than the generation of systems that came directly afterwards. Why? It was the pinnacle of 2D gaming. The absolute pinnacle. The generation that came after were the first forays into the world of 3D and modern gaming. The games were clunky and many were very, very ugly.
I made this list in 2006. Time has flown since then, and I don't know where I am or what I'm doing anymore. What I do know is that this list is most likely final. It was made long after the end of the SNES' run and well into the time when any freshness of the games was lingering.
So here's the list.

1. Final Fantasy III/VI
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Super Mario World
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Final Fantasy II/IV
6. Secret of Mana
7. Earthbound
8. Super Mario Kart
9. Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
10. Illusion of Gaia
11. Star Fox
12. Mega Man X
13. Breath of Fire II
14. Lufia II
15. Terranigma
16. Street Fighter II Turbo
17. 7th Saga
18. F-Zero
19. Harvest Moon
20. Seiken Densetsu 3
21. Genghis Khan II
22. Shadowrun
23. SimCity
24. EVO: Search for Eden
25. Super Metroid

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Timeline of my Soccer Interest

Here's a small diversion, a timeline of myself as a fan of soccer, and the particular events and games.

  • 2000ish - Downloaded and played some Soccer management Sim from HotU.  Started my obsession with Soccer management sims, which persisted throughout this entire timeline.

  • 2002 - Nigeria vs Sweden at World Cup 2002, caught it on late night TV and became interested by the prospect of international (non-Olympic) sports.  A concept unheard of in most American sports.

  • 2003 through 2004 - Catch the occassional games on ESPN2 before going to classes on weekdays.

  • May 2005 - Liverpool defeats Chelsea in the Champions League semi-final.  Completely drawn into the game.

  • May 2005 - Liverpool comes back from a 3 goal deficit to defeat AC Milan in the Champions League final.  Some call this one of the greatest soccer games of all time.  And after watching Liverpool beat Chelsea I was an absolute fan of the Reds.  Their comeback was amazing and sealed my love of the team, and of the game.

  • 2006 - Closely followed both the English Premiership and European continental club competitions.  Watch as many games as I possibly can.

  • Summer 2006 - World Cup 2006 in Germany.  Based on the huge coverage and exciting atmosphere of the event I converted friends and family alike to the game of soccer.  At least on an international level.  Italy beat France in the final, which wasn't as entertaining as Netherlands vs Portugal or England vs Portugal.  Ghana vs Brazil, USA vs Italy, Trinidad & Tobago vs Sweden, Argentina vs Mexico, were just some of the other great matches.

  • 2007 - Disheartened after AC Milan get revenge for 2005 in the Champions League final by beating Liverpool.

  • Late 2007 - Purchase FIFA 08 and PES 2008.  SC Busaiku is born.

  • 2008 - Hate Cristiano Ronaldo as he wins everything for Man United.

  • October 2008 - Go to England!!  Miss the chance to go to England vs Kazakhstan, but wander around London on matchday and see a million people in England shirts (I buy one for $10).

Pictures in Motion

A question arose lately in my life.  It's a question that has plagued me for years, and the answer is ever-changing.  That question is this, what is my favorite movie.  This is a hard question for somebody like me to answer.  I never have solid opinions on anything.  My ideas on a given topic change as rapidly as the weather, or as quickly as a slut gets love stains on her clothing/face.  I remember my early 2000s list included many films that were relatively new at that time.  Teenagers, can't see beyond their own present into the past.  Though few older films would make the list, I'm fairly confident that my list is no longer restricted just to recent movies.  I used to rate on the "quality" of the movie, however pointlessly I defined those guidelines.

I think I could easily define a list of my ten favorite movies.  I've stopped trying to judge movies by anything other than how much I enjoy them.  This list does include a large nostalgia factor in some of the movies.

Here's a list of my ten favorite movies of all time, because I think it's important that I get this out of my head. The list is in no particular order.  Ordering these movies would require me to rewatch every one of them and determine which one is marginally better than the other.  I think that I can watch these movies whenever and still get a lot of enjoyment out of the experience is all that matters.  So I don't have a favorite.  I do have a lot of candidiates, but no winner.

  • Shaun of the Dead

  • Fight Club

  • Back to the Future

  • Spirited Away

  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  • Pulp Fiction

  • The Last Samurai

  • The Matrix

  • American History X

  • The Shawshank Redemption

Saturday, November 15, 2008


What is this, a Florida Marlins game?!  I have so far recieved zero readers to my newest mental urinal.  That is unsurprising, however, as I have never told anyone of this place.  On top of that I have very little of substance here to be read.  Those two combined probably helped lead to this empty coliseum of a blog.

I really only have myself to blame.  I have very few meaningful posts and update oh-so-rarely that it really is a hilariously bad blog.  My last blog was something that I took a little more care to work on.  It was unfocused and mainly dealing with wrestling, but it struck a chord with a few people and had a loyal readership.

Maybe once I have more to say or can focus my thoughts (always a problem) I'll start updating more frequently and with posts of a higher quality.  I simply have to stop letting my work be my excuse not to get anything accomplished.

Until later, my feisty felines, I must leave you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

This Advanced Hour

It's getting to be extremely late now.  As in "I should've been in bed an hour ago" level of late.  The sad thing about me making a statement like this is that it isn't even really that late at night.  Alas, my new work schedule forces me to wake up at 6 a.m. for seemingly no reason.  My body is readjusting to this schedule which means I'm going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.  There is no actual problem with that, it's just not the way I lived my life for a long time.

Hell when I first started this job I never had to be in before 11 a.m. which was absolutely rule-tastic.  It allowed me to maintain my college-average 'bedtime' of about 3 a.m.  I enjoyed that schedule.  I'm a night person.  I don't even get into a productive stride until 10 p.m. onwards.  I am jovial, awake, lively, and creative at night.  Just like when it's raining (story for another day).  And yet now I live each day as a zombie.  No, my fair (non-existent) reader, not the insanely cool, yet slow as hell (classic) Dawn of the Dead style of zombies.  I stumble around for hours as a jibbering, half-awake, drone of a zombie.

As I continue to write this the time keeps ticking away.  I might need to run to bed soon, and pray tomorrow comes and goes in a rapid fashion.

And of course, I always say a silent prayer for the zombie apocalypse before bed.

So Much More Invigorated

There was something about this election that put a little zing in my step.  I was excited.  For once I was feeling not so much disillusioned as hopeful for something new.  Not that I have all that much to complain about beyond my own personal shortcomings, really.  It's just that something has seemed stale at the highest levels of government in my eyes.  I've been apathetic for years.  I have never voted in a single election since registering some seven years ago.

Until now.

I voted in the 2008 presidential election.  I voted for Barack Obama.  I am proud to have voted for this man.  Somehow I just feel like I care a little bit more about politics.

Globally Ignored